Shoulders and Biceps DayTotal of 8 exercise targeting shoulders and Biceps. Take a record on weights used and completed reps.EXERCISE 1: SEATED LATERAL RAISE (4 SETS 10-12 REPS (30-45 SECS REST)Add 5 Partial reps at the end of the final setsSeated dumbbell lateral raiseEXERCISE 2: DUMBELL SHOULDER PRESS (4 SETS) (8-10 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)Dumbell Shoulder PressEXERCISE 3: DUMBELL FRONT RAISE (3 SETS) (8-10 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)Front raise dumbbells exercisingEXERCISE 4: DUMBELL LATERAL RAISE (7 Sets) (8-12 Reps)(30-45 Secs Rest)lateral dumbbell raisesEXERCISE 5: BARBELL SPIDER CURL (7 SETS) (8-10 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)Barbell spider curlEXERCISE 6: STANDING EZ-BAR BICELS CURL (3 SETS) (8-10 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)EZ curl barEXERCISE 7: ALTERNATING DUMBBELL BICEPS CURL (3 SETS) (8-10 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)Alternating dumbbell curlEXERCISE 8: CABLE HAMMER CURL ( 7 SETS) (10-12 REPS) (30-45 SECS REST)Cable Hammer Curls You can share this post! Facebook Twitter Linkedin